Monday, February 23, 2015

Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 February

And the tag making continues! This month is all about the things we love. For Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of 2015 February tag, our challenge is to include our favorite ephemera to create a patchwork inspired collage.

I used Tim’s tutorial for inspiration to create my tag using my color palette which tends to be pinks and greens which are two of my favorite colors. I love the idea of a patchwork and chose mostly floral prints as my background. I layered some tissue paper with butterflies and music notes on top. I love music so the notes are always integral in my designs. I love hearts and especially rhinestones so I included plenty of those things. I try to always include ribbons and baubles in my designs. I have a huge bowl of buttons so it was a must to include those. I love birds (and have a couple swallow tattoos) and the vile is of some sand from the beaches of California.

You can find the tutorial for this tag and all of Tim's tags by clicking HERE.

Here it is, my February 2015 tag:

Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 January

I've decided to join the Tim Holtz revolution and participate in the 12 Tags of 2015. It's a wonderful way to learn new techniques, try new products and just have fun with the creative mind of Tim Holtz. For each month, Tim shows us how to create a new tag themed for that month using his latest products techniques. AND, you can upload your project to not only share your art with others but for the chance to win some great prizes. I LOVE sharing my art. It's hard to sometimes because you never know how it will be received but I love the feedback and it makes me a better artist. And, I really enjoy seeing what others create. You can have one theme and get 50 different designs... love it!

You can find the tutorial for this tag and all of Tim's tags by clicking HERE.

Here is my January 2015 Tag:

Creating an Art Journal

I have to admit, I'm not a "journaler." I didn't have a diary as a kid and I don't write my thoughts down now, well until now. I am a free-thinker and my ideas tend to be a bit scattered and a little misdirected at times. So, writing down my daily goings-on has become a priority so I can stay organized. In the last couple years, along with my traditional calendar of events, I have been introduced to the very fun and wonderful world of Art Journaling where I can let my creative mind spew all over the pages of my journal. I get to paint, ink, stencil, stamp, you name it and it's all neatly, or not so neatly tucked away in my art journal. I love, love, love to create in my art journal and you will too!

I do have a Dyan Reavely Mixed Media Art Journal and I like it, I do. But, I wanted to have a little more control over what size my journal is and what kind of paper is used. So I started making my own art journals.

The easy-peasy way to make an art journal is to get a pad of chosen paper and pull of the front and back covers and voila, you have a journal. BUT, if you want more pages than the pad offers, here is what you do:

First, gather your materials. You will need a pad of paper or two, some binder clips, a good glue like Aleene's Tacky Glue and/or Mod Podge and a sponge brush - or any kind of applicator that will work for you. I am going to use this journal as an Art Journal Calendar so I wanted to have a spread for each month. There are 13 pages total...okay I know, but you need that extra page so you have a front and back cover. Trust me, it will make sense when it's all put together.

For the paper, think about what and how you are going to create. For this journal I chose a canva-paper by Canson because of the heavy weight. I know I'm going to be paining, inking, stamping, and glueing so I wanted a surface that will hold up. I have a couple journals going at a time so I have another I made out of cold press watercolor paper. I like the way the watercolor paper absorbs and spreads the paint and ink. Just a different look. Play around and see what speaks to you.

The next step is to separate each page from the spine of the pad so you have just single sheets. Arrange them the way you want, either horizontally or vertically. For this journal, I chose to go horizontal.

Prepare to glue! I chose a combinatin of the two glues for reinforcement, but really... I chose to use the Mod Podge because the one I have is glittery! I discovered it while a CHA last year. Yup, love the sparkle! :) *TIP ALERT* My favoirte surface to paint and glue on is palette paper. I love this stuff. You can get it in a pad of different sizes and you just tear off a sheet and put it in on your table under what you are working on. You can put paints, glues, inks on it and they won't seep through. And, when you are done, just crumple it up and throw away. Easy clean up! I do love Ranger's Craft Sheet and I do use that for inking and stamping. I have found that when paint and glue dries on the Craft Sheet, it's hard to wash off and it kind of ruins the texture of the Craft Sheet when you have to scrub it to clean it. So, I have taken to using palette paper for paints and glues.

Stack your sheets together so there is a nice clean and even edge. Your paper should line up well since it was once in a pad. Take your foam brush, get some glue on it and swipe it along one of the edges. Remember, this is going to be the spine of your journal so make sure you are gluing the correct edge together! Don't glob on the glue too much. Just layer until if feels right. Run your fingers down the side of the edge to clean up any overflow. I start with the plain white glue and then add one or two layers of the glitter Mod Podge. You don't have to use the glitter glue, I just love the sparkle on the spine.

 While squeezing together your glued stack of paper, take the binder clips and clip along the glued edge.

You'll want to set the whole thing aside and let dry for at least 24 hours.

When it's all dry you are ready to go! Decorate until your heart's content. Just be careful as you open your pages. As you open your new journal, the pages on the inside will separate and lay flat but they will stay nice and glued on the outside.

One idea I have found is that I DO decorate the front and back covers but after I finish filling up all the pages of my journal. I find that the innards of my journal directs how the covers will look.

Happy Journaling!

Welcome to my BRAND NEW Blog!!

This is something I have been wanting to do for some time. I wanted, or rather needed a place to put my art. But really to keep me accountable. With a busy schedule, I sometimes have to find time to create... crazy, huh!? But I thought that having a blog and a room full of art and crafting supplies, I can share some fun stuff and some great ideas. 

So today begins the first day of the rest of the year. Welcome to my blog and my first post!

I LOVE to craft and make things. I started doing crafts when I was just a little girl but as an adult I started making jewelry which I still do and I still love to do. But then I got this job teaching jewelry-making at Michael's. Can I say that? Can I use their name? Well, I just did. The store I was working at needed a paper crafts instructor and that's where my love of paper, inks, paints, stamps, stencils - you name it - began. I became a paper crafts instructor and from there it has become a passion or rather an obsession! Now, I still make jewelry and I ink, paint, stamp, and make cards and scrapbook layouts, but I also crochet and knit so this is really a blog about crafts... making stuff, you know all the things that keep our minds, and our hands busy.

I have been fortunate to meet some craft icons along the way and develop some pretty cool friendships. They have mentored me, coached me and inspired me. I want to be them when I grow up. :) The inspiration is abundant and I have a lot to say and share. So there you have it in a cute little nutshell. This is my little corner of the web to share my thoughts, my art, my crazy ideas, and all the crafts I love to do.

So join me (and my 2 dogs) on our crazy, creative and crafty ride!